To Revise Or Not To Revise… That Is The Question

What a stupid question I hear you thinking!

I’m not wondering whether to revise full stop, don’t worry. I didn’t become the Languages graduate/Law student I am today by not revising. I am a hard-working, focussed student – haha – I’m laughing as I write this after a morning of How I Met Your Mother and Suits whilst sitting in pyjamas at 2pm!! What can I say, we all have these days sometimes and I’ll start some studying after writing this post… better late than never.

My question as to whether or not to revise is actually me wondering whether to keep up with the weekly reading and preparation for my GDL studies or to use my study time to start writing notes to revise the topics we have already covered.

I have been ‘revising’ for the last week or so which has meant that I feel a bit lost in tutorials as I haven’t prepped for them. However, I am feeling a lot more confident about the course as a whole as this ‘strategy’ is getting me ahead of the game for the revision period and helping me to consolidate on the past few months of work.

I have friends that completed the GDL last year and they’ve all said they cried at least once during the revision period. Has this happened to other law students out there as well!?

I’m not sure if I just have very emotional friends or if I should buy some waterproof mascara in preparation for the inevitable!

I hope everyone is having a lovely day and has a fab weekend!

Another Law Student

P.S. Results are out for January’s EU law exam in T minus 3 hours.